Friday, April 3, 2009

NCD update

Thank you to all who have taken part in our NCD Focus Groups.

Gordon Finnie has offered this reflection on the NCD process:

What is Natural Church Development (NCD) ?

NCD is an ongoing program that involves the people of St. Andrews to identify the strengths and weaknesses as a church and creates opportunities for individuals and groups to participate in the development of making St. Andrews Episcopal in Grand Rapids Michigan a better church experience.

Why is St. Andrews using the NCD program ?

Everybody in the church desires it to be an interesting and good place for all.
NCD offers pathways for God to make connections on a deeper level.
Offering a broad range of spiritual activities leeds to a balanced approach to God.
The process helps individuals to see God at work in themselves and others.
The creator supports energy for improvement.
Each individual has a unique spiritual awareness that is recognized in the process.
Church needs to be a powerful source for personal spiritual exploration.
God’s values and goals are identified and better expressed in our daily lives.
If a church can help enrich families and individuals with good programs, it enables them to give greater love to others and the world.

Gordon Finnie

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